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Jack Mormon © Mental Eclipse Theater House

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Jack Mormon

Mental Eclipse Theater House’s controversial first production returns to the Vienna stage this May.


Former missionary opens up about his struggles in the Latter-day church after his failed suicide attempt. Despite his miraculous survival, he is left in pieces, with nothing to believe in, nothing to hope for, nothing to love.

Jack Mormon is an intense, two-act narrative on not just the crippling pressure of one’s own faith, but society’s expectations altogether.

“The two-year journey the missionaries are required to pursue has a significant impact on youth suicide and depression. Jack stands up for for those who were not given a second chance”

Staged as a tragicomedy, Mental Eclipse Theater House’s trademark whimsicality sweetens the otherwise bitter piece. Although well-received by the audience, author and real-life member Jason Cloud was heavily criticized by the Church’s media representatives and opinion leaders in Austria before the production’s premiere in 2017.

Starring: Jason Cloud, Nicola Sègur, Dana Proetsch, Sabine Steinegger and Lauren Hartlein-Sowa

Directed by: Jason Cloud

Jetzt Tickets sichern und das Mormon Drama im Spektakel Wien erleben!

Veranstalter: Mental Eclipse Theater House

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Spektakel Wien

Hamburgerstrasse 14, 1050 Wien

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